
Is The Panasonic Lumix The Best Point And Shoot For The Money?

Best Point-And-Shoot Cameras

Betoken-and-shoot cameras can exist tremendously highly-seasoned to novice photographers and experienced users looking for a portable backup to their dedicated mirrorless or DSLR camera. Their compact size and built-in lenses make them well-suited for taking photos in busy environments, merely their dedicated controls, typically larger image sensors, and fast autofocus systems make them more than versatile for this kind of utilise than most smartphone cameras.

We've tested over 70 cameras, and beneath you lot'll notice our recommendations for the all-time betoken-and-shoot cameras to purchase. These picks were selected not only based on their overall functioning but as well their feature set and price. Y'all tin can likewise check our recommendations for the all-time meaty cameras, the best mirrorless cameras for travel, and the best cameras for beginners.

  1. Best Point-And-Shoot Camera: Fujifilm X100V

    The best signal-and-shoot camera that we've tested is the Fujifilm X100V. This high-end betoken-shoot features the aforementioned 26.1 MP sensor found on Fujifilm's range of interchangeable lens cameras, similar the Fujifilm 10-Pro3, yielding excellent out-the-box epitome quality. Similar the X-Pro3, it uses a hybrid viewfinder that you can toggle between a loftier-resolution EVF that allows you to preview exposure adjustments in existent-time and an optical rangefinder that provides an unfiltered view of your subject.

    While this photographic camera is larger than most small-sensor compacts, it'due south however very portable, and it feels impressively well-built. Its built-in prime lens has a full-frame equivalent focal length of 35 mm, which is well-suited to capturing a variety of subjects. It also features a built-in four-stop ND filter that allows y'all to shoot at slower shutter speeds or wider apertures in brighter environments with less risk of overexposing your image. Its autofocus organisation also does a expert chore of tracking moving subjects.

    Unfortunately, this camera doesn't take any in-torso stabilization feature, which could make it easier to snap images at slower shutter speeds. In add-on, while this camera does have relatively advanced video recording capabilities, including 10-bit 4:2:two recording via HDMI, it tin can quickly overheat, though this isn't rare for compact cameras. Still, information technology's a fantastic pick if you're looking for a camera that combines retro aesthetics with the ease of use of a modern mirrorless system.

    See our review

  2. Best Point-And-Shoot Camera For Travel: Sony RX100 VII

    If y'all're looking for a pocketable travel camera, consider the Sony RX100 Vii. It can easily fit into a small bag or a coat pocket, and it'due south got a vivid, tilting screen to aid yous shoot from different angles or take selfies. If y'all adopt to shoot through a viewfinder, it also has a pop-up EVF, though it's very small.

    The photographic camera's built-in zoom lens has a fairly long focal length, ranging from 24 to 200mm (total-frame equivalent), so you can zoom in on farther subjects. It can shoot at a remarkably fast 20 fps in its high-speed burst way, so you lot can easily capture fast-moving subjects and busy street scenes. Information technology has a fantastic autofocus organisation also, with confront and middle detection and reliable subject tracking. It takes excellent JPEG images right out of the box, with a lot of dynamic range and by and large accurate colors.

    Unfortunately, like many compact cameras, it suffers from poor battery life and overheating issues. Thankfully, though, it supports USB charging, and you can keep using it while it charges, which is handy if yous've got a portable battery pack. Its menu system is also difficult to navigate considering of its express bear upon controls. Despite its flaws, this is still an excellent footling pocket camera with a versatile set of features and unmatched portability.

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  3. Best Point-And-Shoot Camera For Vlogging: Sony ZV-1

    If you're a vlogger looking to make the bound from a smartphone to a dedicated camera but still want something portable, the Sony ZV-1 is an fantabulous option. This compact bespeak-and-shoot is for vloggers, with a lightweight body that you tin carry around for long periods with minimal fatigue. Its minor handgrip and well-spaced controls get in comfortable to use even when holding it in a selfie position. In that location's even a detachable windscreen for its microphone to help cut downwardly on wind noise when shooting outdoors.

    This camera's built-in lens is optically stabilized. Combined with its electronic stabilization feature, the photographic camera does an excellent task of smoothing out camera milkshake when recording handheld. Its autofocus system delivers exceptional tracking performance in both FHD and 4k recording. It even has dedicated tracking modes for either human or animal subjects. In 'Product Showcase' style, the camera is capable of swapping focus from faces to objects held up within the frame, and a defended 'Background Defocus' function instantly adjusts lens aperture from f/5.6 to f/1.8 or vice versa, assuasive for quick swaps between a deep or shallow depth of field.

    Unfortunately, like about compact cameras, it can overheat during long recording sessions. Similar the Sony RX100 VII, it uses an Np-BX1 bombardment, which doesn't supply a very long runtime. Thankfully, the photographic camera can be charged while in utilise via its USB-C port, which is handy if you lot desire to plug into an external power source or accept a mobile battery charging pack. Overall, its compact size, superb autofocus system, and broad variety of video features make it one of the best compact cameras for travel that we've tested.

    See our review

  4. Alternative With Livestream Support: Canon PowerShot G7 X Marker Iii

    If you want a vlogging camera with congenital-in livestream capability, check out the Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark 3. Unlike the Sony ZV-1, information technology doesn't have a fully articulated screen, though y'all can tilt and flip it up to face y'all for vlogs, and its autofocus system isn't as reliable. That said, it can shoot 4k video without a crop, and it comes with a built-in livestreaming feature that lets you livestream directly to YouTube over Wi-Fi. It feels comfortable to shoot with, thanks to its modest handgrip and highly intuitive menu system. While its overall video quality isn't as loftier as the Sony, it does have greater internal recording capability and a longer recording fourth dimension limit in 4k. Information technology also does a great chore of reducing camera handheld milk shake. However, it doesn't have a microphone or headphone jack and lacks Bluetooth support, which is disappointing.

    Get the Sony if you want a compact vlogging photographic camera with improve autofocus and a fully articulated screen. If you do a lot of livestreaming, the Canon is worth consideration.

    See our review

  5. Best Point-And-Shoot Span Photographic camera: Panasonic LUMIX FZ1000 II

    While it'southward not as portable equally ane of the compact cameras on this list, the Panasonic LUMIX FZ1000 II is one of the best bridge cameras we've tested, combining convenience, versatility, and condolement in a relatively affordable parcel. By and large speaking, bridge cameras are a proficient all-in-i solution for full general photography and domicile video thanks to their born zoom lenses and relative portability.

    It has a highly intuitive menu system that makes it easy for anyone to selection it upwards and offset shooting. Its congenital-in lens has a long zoom range, with a 25-400mm focal length (full-frame equivalent), so y'all tin can zoom in on far-abroad subjects or take wide-angle shots or close-ups. It has a great battery life that'll last for quite a while, depending on how y'all apply it. Information technology can too shoot at relatively quick 10 fps to capture fast movement, and overall, information technology takes great images right out of the box, despite having a small sensor.

    That said, its autofocus system struggles a chip when keeping track of moving subjects, particularly human subjects. If you lot're interested in video, this is a serviceable photographic camera when shooting in 1080p, but it tin can but shoot 4k with a pregnant 1.45x crop, and its autofocus system performs poorly in 4k. Nonetheless, if you're looking for a solid and affordable camera that feels comfortable to shoot with and has a long zoom lens for a variety of photography styles, this is a great option.

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  6. Better-Built Alternative: Sony RX10 IV

    While we recommend the Panasonic LUMIX FZ1000 II for most people looking to buy a bridge camera, the Sony RX10 IV is 1 of the best span cameras y'all can get if money is no object. It has a hefty 24-600mm Zeiss zoom lens, giving yous more focal attain, and it's weather-sealed against moisture and dust, so you have some protection on rainy or windy days. Although it takes a long time to empty its photo buffer once full, the camera tin can shoot at a remarkably fast 21 fps in its high-speed outburst mode to hands capture fast movement. It has a robust autofocus system that can finer runway moving subjects, and then it'southward a great option for sports or wildlife photography. Information technology'southward also improve for video, with more frame charge per unit options and more than reliably video autofocus. That said, it'southward significantly bulkier and has a more convoluted carte system that makes finding more avant-garde settings a scrap of a hurting.

    Go the Panasonic if you lot want a reasonably-priced bridge camera with a more than beginner-friendly bill of fare system, but if you're looking for the all-time of the best when it comes to bridge cameras, get with the Sony.

    See our review

Recent Updates

  1. Mar 11, 2022: Ensured all main picks are still bachelor and correspond the best option for user needs and expectations.

  2. February 04, 2022: Reviewed commodity for accuracy and clarity.

  3. Jan 06, 2022: Removed the Panasonic LUMIX ZS80. Renamed the Fujifilm X100V as 'All-time Point-And-Shoot Camera' and added the Catechism PowerShot G7 Ten Marker III as an 'Culling With Livestream Support' to the Sony ZV-1.

  4. Dec 10, 2021: Verified accuracy and availability of picks; no modify to recommendations.

  5. Nov 11, 2021: Added Sony RX10 Four as new 'Amend-Congenital Alternative' category pick.

All Reviews

Our recommendations above are what we think are currently the best point-and-shoot cameras for most people to buy, co-ordinate to their needs. Nosotros cistron in the price, feedback from our visitors, and availability (no cameras that are hard to notice or well-nigh out of stock in the U.Due south.).

If you would similar to cull for yourself, here's the list of all our reviews for compact, ultracompact, and bridge cameras. Be conscientious not to get caught upward in the details. There is no unmarried perfect camera. Personal taste, preference, and shooting habits will thing more in your selection.


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