
How To Connect Domain_6 To Facebook On Iphone

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How to Setup a Pixel for iOS 14.5 | Facebook Advertising

How to Setup a Pixel for iOS 14.5 | Facebook Advertising

User data has been a topic of concern for the past few years with GDPR and CCPA being adopted in 2018. Apple, who in 2016 was embroiled in a data protection scandal with the FBI has claimed to take privacy and security of its users extremely seriously. The release of iOS 14.5 is another step in the direction of user privacy for Apple. Facebook, in order to keep pixels tracking, has released a method of collecting data that agrees with the new privacy requirements set forth by Apple. This tutorial assumes you've already set up events using the pixel/conversions API. If you still need to do this we have an article coming soon.

What is Affected?

No this isn't the adpocalypse 2.0, so take a deep breath, however it is an aggressive change in terms of tracking so take note.

Results are Counted Differently

iOS 14.5's opt-out tracking system will continue to grow among consumers as the software sees wider implementation. Therefore to accommodate for the loss in direct tracking, statistical modeling will be used to show certain conversions. Some attributions windows are now unavailable and there will most likely be a drop in reported conversions. Delays may also come into data reporting due to the statistical modeling and other factors.

Limits on Web Events and App Campaigns

Facebook is imposing new limits on web events and app campaigns. We will have more on this for app users later, however, "Aggregated Event Measurement limits the amount and type of data that advertisers can send to Facebook through tools like a Facebook pixel. Advertisers can send up to 8 conversion events from a single website domain." Facebook "selects default events that are available for each of your domains, based on your ad activity."

Domain Selection to Measure Conversions

Now, marketers must select a domain for which to track conversions. Every domain will need to be validated prior to running the ad and Aggregated Event Measurement set up on the pixel in question.

Audience Sizes

According to Facebook, "your audience sizes may decrease because they may not include people on iOS 14. As more people opt out of tracking on iOS 14 devices, the size of your app connections, app activity Custom Audiences, and website Custom Audiences may also decrease."

Domain Verification

Before a pixel can be used on iOS devices the domain for which the pixel is attached must be verified. This allows for businesses to control who has advertising access to certain domains. We covered that process in an earlier article here if you need to still complete that step.

Setting Up Conversion Events Using Aggregated Event Measurement

Web events only allow a maximum of 8 prioritized conversion events. All events must be set up on the Event Manager for the selected Pixel prior to adding web events. If you haven't already set up events before we have an article on the most optimal way to do this coming soon.

Aggregated Event Measurement does have its own verification progress which "If you change event configurations, impacted ads and ad sets will be paused for 72 hours to allow changes to take effect. Some changes may cause ads and ad sets to no longer run." This is just for Facebook to verify all changes.

Step One: Select the Pixel

Select the pixel in question under the Event Manager which can be found under Data Sources within Business Manager.

Step Two: Open Web Event Configurations

There will be a tab labeled Aggregated Event Measurement and click on the button labeled Configure Web Events .

Step Three: Select the Domain

This will open a window where you may select the domain you wish to add web event conversions to. Click the dropdown icon for the domain and a button labeled Manage Events will appear.

Step Four: Begin Configuration

A new page will appear that will allow you to edit web event configurations.

This is all dependent on what you're trying to highlight as most important for your site to least important. Thus the highest level of the funnel should be first in priority.

Select Add Event and then select the Pixel/Custom Conversion you wish to use followed by the Event Name. If you need more information on custom conversions we will have an article covering these soon.

We have a breakdown of some standard configurations for different types of sites.

Web Event Configuration for E-Commerce Sites

For e-commerce sites the traditional event list from highest priority to lowest is the following:

  1. Purchase
  2. Add payment
  3. Initiate checkout
  4. Add to cart
  5. View content
  6. Lead
  7. Search

Web Event Configuration for Lead Generation

For my lead generation I have the following event list from high to low.

  1. Schedule
  2. Lead
  3. Subscribe
  4. Contact
  5. View Content
  6. Search

Schedule at the top because then I can directly be in front of them to sell and feel out the potential client. Followed by lead, which means they have filled out a lead generation form. Next is subscribe for email list purposes, followed by contact which I use for my chatbot. Viewing content is important to me for general retargeting purposes hence its placement above search and search isn't too big of a deal so it is at the bottom. On Aggregated Event Measurement search will most likely never give me a result as the client will view the content after searching, however within the pixel API it is still tracked so I keep it there until I need to set different custom conversions and then search will exit from the list.


With the latest iOS 14.5 update Apple looks to cut down on hidden trackers and allow all users to opt-in to being tracked and what they're tracked on. iOS 14.5's opt-out tracking system has introduced a significant wrinkle into marketing, creating an effect on advertisements across the web. The ability to track users and retarget has been a useful tool to marketing and remarketing products and services. While these changes are drastic I doubt they are the end as data protection becomes a more important issue to the average consumer.

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Taylor Hieber 2021-07-09T09:31:50-04:00
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How To Connect Domain_6 To Facebook On Iphone


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